PETRA LOTTJE, TORHEIT, MEIN JUWEL (HUMANS), 2019, collage, charcoal on paper, 200 x 140 cm, photo: Genaro Strobel
With DIVIDUUM, Jarmuschek + Partner joyfully presents the latest works of the Berlin-based artist Petra Lottje.
In her drawings and artistic video works, Petra Lottje captures situations, emotions and human connections sensitively and in an intense and special way. She brings these to the point with few reduced media and at the same time abstracts them in a way that not only empathy but also identification and self-reflection are evoked while observing.
Starting from her previous approach to drawing, which was to connect everything with a single line, the artist has now developed a series of multi-part large formats on different levels. Subtly and symbolically oscillating between line, silhouette, collage and paper relief, she shows us the human being in all his fragility, power and contradiction and makes us ask about the essence of our identity and our striving.
We would like to make your visit as pleasant and safe as possible!
We therefore ask you to observe the following precautionary rules during your visit:
Please enter individually.
Access to the exhibition is limited to a maximum of 7 persons.
Please keep a distance of at least 1.5 m to the next visitor.
Please wear your protection mask while visiting the exhibition.
Thank you!
With kind regards,
Your J+ Team
If you are unable to visit us at the moment, but would still like to have a small tour through the current exhibition, we are happy to offer you a personal tour via video call (Facetime, Google Hangouts, Skype, Jitsi). Please contact us by e-mail or phone and make an appointment!
+49 3028599070